The importance of Water

The importance of drinking water

All living beings need water to survive. It is essential for life. Without water, we can’t survive. The water in our bodies is continually being used or lost, Because of this, it continually needs to be replenished.

Water is involved in many bodily functions including digestion, circulation, body temperature and the excretion. Some of the water in our body is used or absorbed by the functions it performs and some is lost through sweat, urine and faeces.

What is the Most Packaged Beverage in the United States?

Can you believe that it is water!
Pay attention when you are at work, gym or any public gathering like a party. You will notice that water is a standard beverage that is supplied. Personally, I’m a bottled water drinker. If you are also, or if you are looking for reasons to start drinking bottled water, please read below. Also, click on our water supply vendors throughout the site.

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Name 7 benefits of drinking water

  • Improves brain functions and increases energy - Being properly hydrated helps to improve your brain functions such as your mood, your cognitive and motor skills, sensitivity to pain, and your memory. If you begin to feel dehydration symptoms, drink some water ASAP.
  • Assists in a healthy weight management - Water helps to remove fat by-products and also helps you feel more full. It therefore performs as a natural appetite suppressant and can also improve your metabolism.
  • Flushing Out Toxins from the body - Drinking water helps to rid your body of waste through sweat and urination. This process helps to also prevent kidney stones and protects you from urinary tract infections.
  • Helps to prevent Bad Breath - Bad breath is often one of the signs of dehydration. Bad breath is also caused by the food you eat, but dehydration can also cause bad breath. When you drink water itwashes away leftover food particles that are in your mouth. It also washes away the oral bacteria that leads to bad breath.
  • Helps to prevent backaches - Surprisingly, dehydration is often also a cause of back pain. The bones of the vertebrae in your back are supported by discs. The central nucleus of each disc is made of water. A lack of water can affect these discs and can lead to back pain.
  • Helps to keep you regular - Drinking water helps your body digest everything you eat , and be regular. This is the result of a healthy digestive system. Water helps break down food (absorb the nutrients) and avoid constipation.
  • Helps to prevent headaches - Dehydration can cause headaches. Remember that water is important for brain function. Drinking water also helps prevent and relieve headaches that can often be caused by dehydration.

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Types of Bottled Water

There are several types of bottled water - Spring, mineral, purified and artesian. Water is differentiated by how it is treated and where it comes from.

Spring Water

This type of water comes naturally from the ground and is very popular in the United States.

Mineral Water

This type of water has little to no treatment and can be left with a high mineral content. The United States regulates mineral water to have a smaller mineral content, while countries in Europe have no regulations and leave the water with more minerals.

Purified Water

Purified water is also known as “still” water. This type of water goes through a wide range of treatment processes until almost nothing is left in the water.

Purified Water with Added Minerals

This type of water is as the name states. Minerals are re-added to the Purified Water to make it taste better.

Why does some bottled water taste differently from others?

The taste of water is controlled by the amount of minerals in it! Water gets its flavor from the minerals floating around in your bottle or glass. The higher the mineral content the more flavor detected in the water. This is the reason that some people say that purified has no taste. Conversely, some people don’t like mineral water because they detect a  “metallic” taste in it.

benefits of drinking water

Does the FDA regulate these water processes?

Yes, the Food and Drug Administration regulates bottled water extensively. Although water is neither a food nor a drug, it is still something ingested by people. It therefore falls under the FDA’s jurisdiction. All of the processes from treatment to manufacturing are regulated. The 50 states has an agreement with the FDA to inspect the bottled water plants.

benefits of drinking water

Can bottled water go bad?

Bottled water cannot go bad if it is stored in ideal conditions. Water should not be stored around oil, gasoline, or harsh fumes. These can permeate the plastic and be harmful.

If things like gas can get through the bottle, why have the plastic so thin?

Using plastic is convenient and safe. It’s inexpensive to produce and containers are fully recyclable. We don’t use thicker plastic because we don’t have to. Unlike sodas and other carbonated beverages, water is a still beverage. Thicker plastics and aluminum are used to keep the carbon dioxide in the drink to not let it go flat. Your water is flat from the start! So really, it’s unnecessary to use thicker plastic. Don’t store you water next to an open can of gasoline in your garage and you’ll be just fine.
Drink the kind that tastes good to you – it is all regulated! Keep your water is stored correctly, it will never go bad and is not harmful.

benefits of drinking water

Water, Water, Water

We need to drink plenty of fluids to stop us getting dehydrated – 6-8 glasses every day. 

This is in addition to the fluid we get from the food we eat. All non-alcoholic drinks count, but water and lower-fat milk are healthier choices. 

When the weather is warm, or when we get active, we may need more fluids.